Saturday, May 19, 2007

eat me

That's right....I got tagged.

Not exactly sure of the rules....but daddypapersurfer has issued the challenge.

My take on this....a modern day chain letter. And well.....I'll be honest....I suck at these. I always feel the need to bend the rules.

This one....involves food. My nemesis. Expect more than a bit of rule bending.

So....instead of plugging a few restaurants.....I'm going to give you my 5 favorite foods. As some know....I grew up on a small farm. We raised our own beef/chicken/eggs. Grew our own veggies & fruits. And mom often baked from scratch. Pretty much spoils you for future slim pickings at the local market.

Okay then...without further adieu....

1. Any mouthwatering bigass piece of red meat. Preferably....filet mignon. Medium rare.

2. Tomatoes. Heirloom....but any fresh (from the garden...not those hydroponic pieces of shit) sliced tomat sprinkled with pepper will do.

3. Corn on the cob. Sweet white. Grilled. Served with fresh butter, pepper and a side of floss..... Yum!

4. My dad's meatloaf. Even better the day after as a sandwich.

5. Peaches. mmmmm...........dripping juicy goodness.....fresh from the tree.

I could add so much more....but 5 was the limit.

I think I'm supposed to tag 5 more bloggers. Unfortunately....this is where my the rules don't apply to me mentality takes over. I am going to decline to tag any fellow bloggers.


....because the majority of them are surfers.

And well.... you need an explanation.


penfold said...

'further adieu'- I am so stealing that at some point!
I got tagged too - I thought I might tag 5 bloggers randomly found from google...

Anonymous said...

I admire your spunk [I think that's what you say over there - the meaning here is...well.......better not go into that]
I have often wondered what meatloaf is, apart from a rock star obviously. Do you do recipe tips or should I contact your real father?

Pamela said...

We just planted some heirloom tomatoes in our backyard garden! Feel free to start sharing the crop when they are ready!

twin said...

Mr. P Jr. ~ what can I say...I'm a huge fan of The Bard.

Mr. P Sr. ~ you've never had a meatloaf sandwich? ....and not the all-you-can-eat rockstar buffet...

PJ ~ pavlovian response for you. mmmm......

Anonymous said...

You're a huge fan of beards? and what is meatloaf?? Seriously I want to know.