Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh yeah...

Haven't been on a board in a month. Not only has the surf been shitty...but it's that time of year. The time of year...when WORK....takes over. Not to mention...a new schedule with the v-man...getting him to and from school...means I've lost 60 work hours over the last 8 weeks. SO....hours need to be made up. And...making up those hours...means working Sundays as well as Saturdays. Just the name of the game.

No matter...

I busted my ass yesterday...a try and get ahead. I busted my I could avoid spending a Sunday working. I busted my make a drive. A...well worth

The sun was out...

There were waves. Not great waves. But....waves...just the same.

Decided to dust off Red Sonja. With all these winter would seem...she's been neglected. Stuffed away in a closet. Seen even less water time than myself. For Shame. A true nose rider....she does her best dancing in smaller conditions. Not today though. We had a nice knee paddle out...but the wind had turned west and brought some chop. And...well...not being on a board in just over a month...I sucked. She didn't complain...too loudly. We were both happy to get wet.

On a the middle of tax season....


...escaped from town.


...worked out a new kink.

A day well spent...

I'd say.

1 comment:

Mick said...

Onya, gettin' out on Sonya...
but try not to leave it so long 'till next time.
Not that I can talk.