Monday, March 26, 2007

dawn patrol

Two alarms.....both announcing their presence at 4:30 a.m. One sounds like a siren....the other...a church hymnal. Both....annoying. Feels like fifteen minutes since I actually fell asleep. Stumble out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. It's dark. Water's already in the all I have to do is turn on the burner. Brush my teeth and consider putting in my contacts. Nah....eyes are tired....glasses will do. Still dark. Pull on some clothes and load up the car. Water's boiling. Green ginger go.

I hate waking the cute boy that's sleeping. Still....he sends me off with hugs & kisses.

4:45 a.m.


Drive past the cape. The requisite "slow down to check the cove" isn't even warranted. Can't see a thing. Past the fourway stop....where I roll down my window to listen. I can hear it...

No stops.

I turn off my headlights. The moon has long gone down....but the stars are bright. No traffic.

I contemplate the forecasted east winds....the 7 foot west swell at 11 seconds. I should've called in sick. Couldn't do it. I know what's waiting for me. 15 files in the queue....4 under my desk waiting for information....3 on the table to be processed....and one on my desk that's still open and half completed from Saturday. It'll be head least. No glass....guaranteed. Victory at sea.

I'm still smiling though.... as I crest the coast range. Close to 3 hours of water time on Sunday. Chest high fun. Popped the cherry on a new wetsuit. Sun sun sun.

Just....what I needed.


Miss Jeanette said...

Glad you got it mammajamma. And always good to know it will be waiting for you next time.

Patch said...

NMM, stoked for you!

Anonymous said...

Love the drive home when your stoked from a session and you have that feeling your effort was worth it.

Mick said...


Unknown said...

Dawn patrol is when my head hits the pillow and I surf the dream landscape where it's always overhead
and the water is warm.

How's that new suit working?

twin said...

The new suit is great! Thank You Mr. Solomon. ;-)