Tuesday, September 22, 2009


First day of Fall.

Hot.  Arid.

It didn't surprise me that some woman was yelling at me....asking me if I knew CPR...as I drove up & pulled into the parking lot at Hoyt. I had already pulled over twice on my drive home from work....to let an ambulance and then a firetruck pass.  Lots of sirens tonight....I had noted.

I nodded and parked, quickly running down to the small crowd that had gathered.  Probably a crap shoot on her part...but none of the other bystanders seemed to offer any knowledge.

There on the cement lay a boy in his early 20s barely breathing and a pale shade of grey.

Does he have a pulse?...I asked.

Yes.  Very weak.

Was he working out?

We don't know.

I found him in his car slumped over...offered a gentleman.  We carried him out.
Did you call an ambulance?


As I was assessing the situation...the fire truck pulled up. I stepped back as the firemen & emt's began asking the same questions...going about their business of reviving the boy. I could see fresh tracks in his right arm.  The firemen also pointed this out...and asked what he had taken.

Nobody knew.

Nobody knew who he was.

I stood there watching them work....mesmerized.  My analytical brain had taken over.  No panic.  Only questions & curiosity.  Analyzing every move they made.  Inching closer....to watch & learn.

And...as quickly as the crisis had started....it was over.  The ambulance arrived as the boy was rousing.  The colour coming back to his cheeks.

So I turned and made my way up the hill.... to 4 miles of empty trail.  Thankful for the solitude.


ras said...

great post!

Unknown said...

Whoa... I loved the way you wrote that post!

nursemyra said...

How sad - I'm glad he was found in time to recover

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Wow, yes you wrote that so well and I am glad the boy came back and that you had peace on the trail.

Foul Pete said...

I saw a girl OD two nights in a row once. It is amazing how resilient some people are and yet how others are seized out of the blue. Makes me consider that something else is at ... a fuck it... I need to the re-new my first aid and CPR- thanks for the reminder...

Foul Pete said...

"Nearly touching this dirty retreat
Falling out 6th and powell, a dead sweat in my teeth
Gonna walk walk walk
Four more blocks, plus the one in my brain
Down downstairs to the man, he's gonna make it all okay
I can't beat myself
I can't beat myself
And I don't want to talk
I'm taking the cure
So I can be quiet wherever I want
So leave me alone
You ought to be proud that I'm getting good marks
Needle in the hay" -ES

twin said...

thank you FP....