Friday, December 15, 2006


I sat in the dark last night and wondered....what now?

No power.

Seems simple enough...till you actually have to think about it. Not just "no power". No lights. No heat. (my apt is electric) No tv. No stereo. No movies. No pump working on the fish tank. (the v-man was quite worried about the two fish I've managed to not kill) No computer.


No computer.

Crap....what'm I going to do now? I can't get online. I can't view my favorite saffa break. I can't get a surf report. Not that there was one....combined seas of 40ft with gusts up to 65mph.....? Yeah.....I'm all over that one. Still....sitting and staring at NOAA. Knowing that no-one else is getting any. Kinda its own sick way.


No worries. Light 50 candles. Yes that many. Put the kid to bed. Pull Dante off the shelf and start reading. Not sure why..... The Portable Dante. Edited by Paolo Milano. Ragged. Torn. Read forward and back. More times than I care to remember. Notes jotted in the pink. I love this book. It's best when flipped through randomly. Okay...I have to confess...I was looking for something in particular. A passage. But that's beside the point. This book is close to 16 years old. It's been to the pool. The beach. The office. It's kept me company on the bus. Fended off my mother....when I burried my nose further into hell. My favorite.

Comfort food.

Fell asleep on the couch last night. Dante in my lap. Cantos on my brain....

Down there a place is that no torments try
But only darkness grieves, where the lament
Hath not the sound of wail, but is a sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your reading has inspired my own more than you know. A wonderful contribution to my life. Thank you. Be well.