Sunday, March 20, 2011


They tell me...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The V-man clearly demonstrated this...this past weekend.

North West Age Group Sectionals Swim Meet

163 teams representing 6 states:  Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska & Hawaii

The V-man qualified for 6 events total. (10 & under)

Friday results:
50 free ~ :28.85.  Dropped 2 seconds & a personal best.  8th place. (he went into this seeded 22nd)

He's in lane 7 far side of cap. (2nd in his heat)

Saturday results:

50 fly ~ :30.77. Dropped 1 second & a personal best. 2nd place! (he went into this seeded 5th)

He's in lane 2 far side of cap.

50 back ~ :35.02. Dropped 1 second & personal best. 18th place. (seeded 33rd)

Sunday results:

50 breast ~ :39.58. Dropped 1 second & personal best. 19th place. (seeded 19th)
100 fly ~ 1:12.63. Dropped 6 seconds & personal best. 9th place. (seeded 18th)

(I have video...won't load)

100 IM ~ 1:14.74. Dropped 4 seconds & personal best.  11th place. (seeded 40th...last!)

It was an absolutely phenomenal weekend of swimming for the V-man.

I am beyond stoked!


  1. Go On V-Man! Great job kid, so i guess in roughly 8 years i should be looking for him in the Olympics? And congrats to his proud Mama as well.

  2. Thanks Kono!

    The artist & I are both very proud.

    (the artist was also an amazing swimmer & we feared we'd end up with a kid that hated water)

    We would love for the V-man to be Olympics bound. Have to hope he doesn't burn out between now & then.

    Still beaming... :-)

  3. Awesome. So lovely to read about a stroke(s) of good fortune!
