Tuesday, January 08, 2008

best buddies

The V-man's been to visist Max every day....to make sure he's doing okay.

And he is....doing okay. In fact Max is doing very well. A couple of dime sized holes drilled into his skull to drain the infection....and a couple of quarter sized titanium discs to plug'em up. Max thinks it's cool that he'll now be setting off airport alarms. Tee hee...

The docs don't know what caused the infection...but they expect him to make a full recovery and quite possibly leave the hospital as soon as Thursday.

Very good news.

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  1. I'm still thinking "how surreal"

  2. GOOD!!

    V-man does remind me of my grandson ...... sorry!

  3. Wishing your nephew a speedy recovers and your entire family a healthy 2008

  4. what a relief. now take a deep breath and relax!

  5. Thanks for the message TwinnySurfPerson!! Good news
