Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Winter storms are upon us.....or so it would seem.

Forty-mile-an-hour winds. Double-digit seas.

Taking stock....

We've had an unbelievable string of seasons here in Oregon.

Spring & summer......turned on.

New sandbars emerged. Even an oldie....that hasn't been good for years.....suddenly showed it's face. Warmer than average waters. South swells. Without skipping a beat... they surfed us well into fall.

I didn't get to travel south this year. be honest....I didn't need to. I've had so many good sessions over the last 9 months.....they begin to blur.

What makes a session.....good?

I don't know.

It isn't always about the best waves.....

Some standouts from spring, summer & fall:

Timbuktu - big & bomby....a couple hours one evening of just the cuteboy & myself.

Drainpipes - a fun-filled afternoon with doc & the cuteboy.

T&A's - Sylas & the crew.....on more than a handful of occasions.

Timbuktu - with Mr. Lopez & the bearhunter. (you knew I had to include that one...)

Really....I hate to limit myself here....because there are....and will be.... many many more.


  1. Now that you're done bragging . . . will you please link to my blog? Okay, you're not bragging. I'm just jealous. The surf today was about 2 to 3 feet. Pitifully small, yet still fun.

  2. Ah crap! I thought I'd linked you ages ago....(how embarrassing for me).

    ps.... size doesn't matter. ;-)

  3. I hadn't realised you were in Oregon. are you anywhere near Eugene?

  4. Nursie....p-town is almost 2 hours north of eugene.
